Saturday, July 25, 2020

Mine craft continues tonight and virtual camping

Hi Troop 136!

Minecraft server meetup tonight and tomorrow night:

Tonight and tomorrow night between 7 and 10 pm, Scouts from Troop 136 and Troop 275 will be able to meet and game virtually using Minecraft and Discord.  

In my email is the Minecraft server information:

A parent from Troop 275 will host the server. Zach started a Discord server and both Zach and Carter were able to get it to work this afternoon and it is ready to go for you to enjoy! In my email is a link to the Discord server so that you can chat with everyone while you game. 
This is for you to enjoy.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  The parents from Troop 275 and Troop 136 are very excited to see the Scouts become actively engaged with each other.  The parent that is from Troop 275 is someone that we know from our time with our Cub Scout Pack.  We even had a LAN party at his house when they were in Cub Scouts.  Everyone brought their computers, XBox or Playstations along with their TVs to his house and we had a lot of fun!  I hope getting together this weekend with your friends from the Troop is the same fun experience we had a few years ago.  Enjoy!

Please obey the Scout Law and Oath or you will be removed from this server. This is for the Scouts of Troop 275 and 136. This is not for all of your friends to join. This was specifically developed for you in mind. Please be nice and enjoy the time with fellow Scouts!

Virtual Camping nights:
If you want to earn two nights of camping this weekend, you will need to follow the same rules as before. You will post a pic on Friday night with your tent and again Saturday morning. To get credit for a second night of camping, do the same on Saturday night and another on Sunday morning. Post these pics to the Band app. If you need an invitation to the Band app, please let me know. If you only want to earn one night of camping, you may do that as well.

Tuesday night, 7/28 Scout Meeting:
On Tuesday night, we will again have a shorter Troop meeting between 7:00 and 7:30 followed by a virtual patrol meeting with the Blue Blazes.  Our guest speaker is a teacher with South-Western City Schools.  She is also our Committee Chair.  We are very excited to hear about STEM projects using Math from Christa Ewing on Tuesday night. 
Here is the meeting plan:

During the Blue Blazes patrol meeting between 7:30 and 8:00, you will have the option to review the patches for your patrol and choose to keep the name Blue Blazes or select another patrol name. The discussion of the patrol patch will be the responsibility of the Patrol Leader.  You will also discuss your plans for the cardboard boat race that we have scheduled for Tuesday, September 8.
Here are two links to review before your meeting on Tuesday:

Have a great weekend!
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

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