Sunday, August 9, 2020

New Scouts Physical Fitness, Tuesday Troop Meeting, & Campout

 Hi Troop 136!

New Scouts Physical Fitness:
New Scouts Meeting at Tanglebrook to complete their physical fitness at 6:00 PM.  On Tuesday, it will be one month since your original physical fitness check.  You will be doing the following items: pushups, situps, stretch and mile run.  Please bring your log of activity and we will compare the original scores to the current scores.

As of right now, there is a forecast for Thunderstorms on Tuesday night.  I will make a call about 5 pm on Tuesday and send a note using the Band app if we are able to meet at the park for the physical fitness test.  If not, we will meet the following week.  Hopefully the weather cooperates with us and we have good weather on Tuesday evening.

Tuesday Troop meeting:
Meeting on Tuesday will be a virtual meeting for the entire troop beginning at 7:00 PM. Only the Blackhawk Patrol will be meeting in person at 7 PM at the firepit area by the shed.  We will have our virtual meeting with the troop followed by the patrol meeting at 7:30.  If you are in the Blackhawk Patrol, be sure to bring your own chair and mask and be prepared to watch the meeting on your phone if you want.  I will also have a computer to use for the troop meeting.  As of right now, there is a forecast for Thunderstorms on Tuesday night.  I will make a call at 5 pm to cancel the in person patrol meeting and only have a virtual meeting.  The troop will be meeting virtual no matter what happens with the weather. 
Focus for patrol meetings will be your patrol name, patch, yell, cheer and creating a design of your boat for the cardboard boat race on September 8th.

Campout:If you change your mind and want to come, please add your name to the document and start taking your temperature today.  None of the PLC Members who thought the campout was a good idea have signed up for the camping trip so far.  Hmmmm....

Before camp:
1.  Temperatures will be collected on a GoogleDoc starting a week in advance of the trip just like did for summer camp.  We will also keep a log for a week after camp.  Entering the temperature each day will be the responsibility of the parent.
The log to record your temperatures is in my email.

2.  Loading the trailer on Friday:
Be at the church at 5:30 on Friday.  We will load your items in the trailer.  You will want to not carry your items to camp and they will more than likely be moving the trailer back with the tractor.  So make sure everything is in the trailer.  

3. Transportation:
You will drive with your family or you can ride with another parent if you arrange this with another parent in the troop.  I will let you work out those details.  The troop will not be responsible for transporting the Scouts to and from this event during the Covid-19 pandemic.   This is similar to summer camp.  We are asking that the parents drive their Scout to Chief Logan and then pick them back up on Sunday morning at 10:30 or they can arrange with another parent to transport their Scout if needed.  This will be worked out by the parents and not the adult leaders going on the campout.  

4. Camp setup and tents:
We will set up camp and sleep in individual tents.  You may bring your own, or you can use a troop tent.  Depending on the weather, we might have a campfire.   You may bring their own tent or let the Scoutmaster know that you need a tent.  Scouts will be sleeping by themselves in a tent.

5.  Meals:
For the meals, I have attached a GoogleDoc that could be used to help you think about what you could use for your meals.  This should be a fun planning activity with your Scout.  They can choose something similar to the list of items that we have provided.  They will be bringing the item in a sealed gallon size freezer bag.  Follow the directions in the GoogleDoc for items you would normally eat at home. Using a freezer bag to place the hot water into will not leak as a result of the hot water when adding it to the meals.  If you need some meat cold, you could use a freezer container that you bring and leave in the trailer.  Both of these could be placed in a rubbermaid container so that you could access them during the weekend.  Be sure to have a freezer bag for each meal and it makes for easy cleanup of leftover food and trash.  We will have hot water for your meals if needed and for cleaning of your utensils.  Meals will be prepared by the Scouts for themselves.   We will not have normal cooking in the patrols.  This will be similar to the backpack campout where each Scout brings their own meals.  If your Scout wants to bring a backpacking stove, please let us know ahead of time so that we can look at the stove before your Scout uses the stove.  
The link to some suggested food items is in my email.

6. Service project:
On Saturday, after breakfast we will walk the perimeter of camp and work on a service project.  We will pack our lunches and eat on the trail.  

7.  Wear a mask:  
We will ask that the Scouts wear a mask during the weekend.  When we are out on the trail on Saturday for our conservation hours, they will not need to wear the mask if they are outside and more than six feet apart from each other.

8.  Backpack:
Bring a small backpack that they can use to carry their water and lunch on Saturday along with their work gloves and ten essentials.  Lunch will need to be a carry item.  We will be out on the trail most of the day earning service hours.

9. Permission Form and Medication Form:
Updated Permission Form instead of another waiver form.  This include the waiver for the leaders of the trip as it relates to Covid-19.  If you want to take a picture of this form and send it to me once you sign it, please feel free to do so.  Since there is no cost for the trip, you will not need to make a payment.

Medication Form:

Scouting continues....I am looking forward to the trip this weekend!  Stay safe!

Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH 

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