Virtual Troop Meeting link for August 25th is in the email I sent to you
Only Virtual Troop Meeting Tonight:
We will only have a virtual meeting tonight between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm. There is an Open House for some of the Scouts so we will not have a Patrol Meeting for the Dragons. There is an Open House next week for the high school students at Grove City on September 1. We will not have a Troop meeting or virtual meeting next week to allow time for the patrols to make their boat for the cardboard boat race. The patrols can use the time to get together using masks and hand sanitizer in an outdoor environment to make the boat. This option allows for the patrols to meet to build their cardboard boat race. It is also considered a patrol activity and could be used as a requirement #3 for the Baden Powell Patrol Award that we spent some time talking about with the PLC this past month. See the links for the award information. This is the responsibility of the Patrol Leaders to share with their patrols and to start to work together to complete. Most of these items are things they are already doing, but it allows them to work on the requirements. I suggested the Scouts track their time and the start time could be when they wanted. It could be any three month time period since they were elected as Patrol Leaders. Here is the information: https://www. central/national-honor-patrol/
Be sure to review the guidelines for the boat race to be sure your cardboard boat passes inspection for the race event:
Cardboard boat race:
I will be at the church between 6:30 and 7:45 for the Patrol Leaders to come by to get the cardboard. If you are not able to come tonight, contact me to set up a time to meet at the trailer to get your cardboard. One of the Patrol Leaders will be coming over right after the virtual meeting.
Future Activities:
8/25 Only a virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM
8/25 Only a virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM
9/1 Patrol Meetings to put together your cardboard boat (Patrol Leaders will set up a location for the patrol to meet. Please let me know so that we can have adult leaders at the location supervising the construction of the cardboard boat.)
9/8 Meet at the YMCA pond for the boat race at 6:30 PM
9/8 Meet at the YMCA pond for the boat race at 6:30 PM
9/8 Popcorn kick off tasting and pick up of sales material for the popcorn sales
9/15 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/22 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blackhawks Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/25-9/27 Campout at the Great Seal State Park, Central Ohio Orienteers will have an orienteering course setup and other activities will be planned by the PLC on 8/30.
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blue Blazes Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/15 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/22 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blackhawks Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/25-9/27 Campout at the Great Seal State Park, Central Ohio Orienteers will have an orienteering course setup and other activities will be planned by the PLC on 8/30.
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blue Blazes Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
10/6 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
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