Saturday, December 21, 2013

Andy C Court of Honor today

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that Andy Colborn will have his Eagle Court of Honor this afternoon at 2:00 PM – at the First Presbyterian Church.  Please come and help congratulate him on his accomplishments.  If you are in the ceremony remember to get there by 12:30.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, December 9, 2013

Troop meeting, Camp this weekend, and Dec Newsletter

Parents and scouts:

Just a quick note about upcoming activities of the troop.  Our meeting tomorrow night will focus on Lashings – so Patrol leaders please be ready.  Tomorrow night will also be the last night for signing up for the camp-in this coming weekend.  The permission slip is attached.  If you wish to participate please have your permission slip in tomorrow.  You will need to have your class A uniform with you for the trip to the air Force Museum.  We will be going there on Saturday.  Plan to either bring a sack lunch or money to buy a lunch at the museum. 

As for the Camp-in, we will meet at 6:00 PM Friday night [at the church] and have pizza for dinner. As in the past years the night well be filled with games and fun.  bring your favorite games  to play with others. [and don’t forget about a snack to share] There will be a Mind craft game set-up for those who wish to participate.  See Kenneth Buckingham for details on what to bring.  And don’t forget the Nerf War.... Here also are the rules we have worked up from past years.  PLEASE be aware that you may not get the same darts back that you bring.  Plan to identify them and we will do our best to find yours at the end of the evening.  Bring your sleeping bag and personal items to make it through the evening. 

We will be getting up early to have breakfast and get things cleaned up and off to Dayton.  I do need help from parents to drive to the Air Force Museum.  If can help please let me know and how many seatbelts you have.  It is a great trip to see aviation history.

If you have any questions – let me know. Below is the December Newsletter


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

December 2013 Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: Scout Skills - Skits P
Please note the following upcoming events.  Refer to the 2013-2014 Program Plan for the complete year planning events.  Note that the plan is subject to minor changes.
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]  
Jan 5th - from 5:00-6:00 at the Church.
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader,
All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other members of the PLC including Scribe, Historian, Quartermaster are also encouraged to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent Meeting:
Next Meeting is Jan 5th at 6:00 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.

3.Camp-out this Month:
Date: Dec. 13-14, 2013
Location: CAMP-IN at the Church - Then trip to Air Force Museum in Dayton.

Leave Friday @ 6:00 PM [at the church]
Return Saturday @ 3:30 PM

Cost: [$5.00 for food Dinner, Breakfast] PLUS a Sack Lunch or money for lunch at the museum
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by:  12/10/2013
4. Monthly Dues:                    “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues.  We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation.  This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account.  Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities.  The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.

Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Eagle Court of Honor - Dec. 21 and Jan. 5th
There will be two Eagle Court of Honors in the upcoming months.  December 21 [2:00 PM] - Andy Colborn and  on January 5th [3:00 PM] for Brent Reichert.  The Troop and our families are invited to attend. 

6. December Camp-In is  Dec. 13th-14th
We will be holding our December outing as a Camp-In at the Church.  We will meet at 6:00 pm on Friday and then on Saturday we will go to the Air force Museum in Dayton [you will need a sack lunch or money for lunch on Saturday].  The camping in will be our annual Holiday Party.  We will have dinner on Friday night and Breakfast on Saturday.   Bring a snack and game to share for our Camp-In!  This will be a Class A uniform outing.  All scouts will need to WEAR their uniforms TO the Friday night party so we will know that they are ready for the trip to the Art Museum. [once at the Friday night camp-in they can change into their Class B uniform]

7. January Outing 1/18-19/13– Camp Falling Rock
We are planning our January camping trip. It will be winter camping - in tents.  Please plan to be ready to this cold weather camping.  we will have a meeting to get the scouts ready in early January. Mark your calendars and join us for a fun filled weekend!
8. BSA Health Forms
HEALTH FORMS from summer camp are now on file for the next 7 months.   If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part C of the New Health Form submitted to the troop.  [Part B is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.  Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications change please update Part A of your son’s form. See the website for this form.

9. Kroger Plus Program
If you currently are using the Kroger Community Rewards program to support the Troop you need to follow up as directed to get credit for you scout account. You will need to go to your Kroger reward website and print off the page that tells how much you have contributed toward our organization in the community rewards section. You will have until the end of September to bring the documentation of your participation in the rewards section area to get your credit for the latest amount received.   

January's  Theme is:  Computer Programming

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Fundraiser at City BBQ tomorrow night!

Grove City Area Scouters:

I was forwarded the notice below regarding the recent loss of Jaiden Dixon, a young citizen of Grove City.  As all of you, I am deeply sadden by this tragic loss. 

Here is an opportunity for scouts and scouters to do our part to help his family in this terrible tragedy.

Please pass this along to others in order to make a HUGH impact..

Thank you – and have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


Kirk Bohanan

Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

December Camp-in

Parents and Scouts:

Attached please find the permission slip for our upcoming December outing – “The Camp-In”.  The event will take place on December 13th-14th at the First Presbyterian Church.  The Troop will have a game night on Friday evening and plan to visit the Air Force Museum in Dayton on Saturday.  The Friday night event will be a class B uniform – but the Saturday trip will be Class A uniform.  I will need parents to assist in driving, so if you can help – please let me know.  More information on the event will be given out at our meeting tomorrow night.

Also – Don’t forget the Mayor of Grove City will be joining us tomorrow night! 

We will be finishing up the Scouting For Food Drive – so please bring in those canned food items!

Our PLC meeting [5 PM] and Troop Committee Meeting [6 PM] will be on Sunday, December 1st. 

I will have the December newsletter also out next week.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, November 25, 2013

Adult Leaders can sign up for Blackfoot

Dear Fellow Scouter!

Blackfoot is an enhanced training course for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, and other Boy Scout leaders in Simon Kenton Council. It is perfect for Webelos leaders transitioning into Boy Scouting.

Blackfoot is not just training - it is an experience. Most importantly, it is a lot of fun and you will make friends with fellow scouters throughout the Council.

Click here to read more on Why you Should Register for Blackfoot.

Blackfoot 36 Schedule
Session 1: March 1, 2014, 7:30 am - 6 pm
Stonybrook United Methodist Church, Gahanna
Session 2: March 15 & 16, 2014
Sat 7 am - Sun 12 pm, Camp Falling Rock

Session 3: April 5 & 6, 2014
Sat 7 am - Sun 3 pm, Camp Falling Rock

Blackfoot is the only council-wide course in spring. So put the dates on your calendar and REGISTER TODAY!

Please share this email with all adults in your troop, because every boy deserves a trained leader!

See you at the course!
Kurt Novak

Scoutmaster, Blackfoot 36

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Family Life Merit Badge


Several scouts have expressed interest in the family life merit badge.  I will plan on meeting twice in January, the 14th and 28th at 6:00 for the discussion portions of the requirements.  Please let me know if you plan to participate.

Thank you,

Susan Colborn

Friday, November 15, 2013

Eagle Project work Saturday, 11/16


Due to severe weather and wind expected on Sunday (my original planned workday), I opted to move my workday to tomorrow (SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th) from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM because tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the mid-sixties. 

I NEED YOUR HELP!  Even if you can only stop by for an hour or two, please consider helping as we finish putting up the fence tomorrow and preparing the ground for bricks.  We are going to make every effort to be done as soon as possible.  All hours will count as community service.  Hopefully this will be the last workday until the engraved bricks arrive the first week in December.

BREAKFAST (donuts) and LUNCH will be provided

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!  I couldn't do this without your support, help and time.

Andy Price

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Eagle project today

Thank you all who have signed up to help with my Eagle Project.  Just a quick note about what is going on. 
When you get to the Y, please park in the side lot, and do not enter the building.  Please just come around the back of the Y.  Wear clothes that you can get ruined, and please bring work gloves as well.  We will have a lunch there.  
If you have any questions, please call me 
Thanks, Seth

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Eagle Project Sunday


Thank you for your continued support of my Eagle Scout Project at the church.  Since the last workday, a lot of behind the scenes work has taken place.  The tree stumps were ground down, tree limbs were chipped and shredded and then removed, the dirt pile has been removed and as much of the gravel as possible moved to be under the firepit.  The area looks very different.  Before Sunday, I am hoping to stake where the fence posts and shrubs are going.  While it is moving along, I still need your help.

This weekend we will be putting in the fence, shrubs and if we get enough done, possibly the firepit and grass seed.  I appreciate everyone who signed up.  If you were unable to sign up at the last meeting but would like to help, just come on over to the church we will be working Sunday from 12:30 - 5:30 PM, even if you can only come over for an hour or two, we would like your help.  If you have a shovel, please bring it and mark it with your name.

BRICKS -- First order of bricks has been placed, the second order (and last) will be placed on November 18th.  If you would like to purchase a Scout or Eagle brick, please see me before November 17th.  There will be a special area for Eagle Scout bricks with an Eagle statue along the back fence. 

Remember that all hours you work, count towards your community service hours.  I have kept Kirk up to date and turned in all work hours as we have completed workdays.  

Most of this week's food was provided by Target.  We will be having Homemade Beef Vegetable Soup, Chicken Sandwiches, Meatball Sandwiches and Macaroni and Cheese, along with a variety of fruits, veggies and of course snacks/treats too. 

Hope to see you there!

Thank you,

Andy Price

Monday, November 4, 2013

Popcorn is due on 11/5/13!

Just a reminder tomorrow night I will need copies of your sales forms, any money you have collected along with any unsold product you still have.

Rob Dool

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Eagle Project Unveiling 11/9

I am working on my eagle ceremony on Saturday November 9th at 4pm to 5pm, and I need a few boys to come and help.

I will need 5 or 6 boys to come help, and that can be there at 3:30 pm. It will be at Henceroth park, behind Jackson Middle school  

If you are interested in coming to help or have other questions let me know


Brandon Weber

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Eagle Project Nov 9th

Dear scouts of troop 136,

Thank you everyone who already signed up for my eagle project last night!  A couple people asked me where it was at exactly, so here is a link for the Google maps with the address of the Hilltop YMCA.   For those of you who don't know, my eagle project will be on November 9th from 9:00 A.M.  It will involve painting, weeding, and picking up trash, so wear clothes that you are willing to get dirty.  Lunch will be provided.  You will need gloves, a garden shovel if you have one, and a water bottle.

If you would still like to sign up or have questions, please contact me or notify me at next week's meeting

Thank you all,

Seth Corlett

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Eagle Project Sunday 1 PM - 5 PM


Thank you very much for your willingness to help me with my Eagle Scout Project.  The next scheduled workday is this Sunday, October 27th from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM.  Several of you signed up on Tuesday, but I appreciate any and all help, even if you didn't get a chance to sign up or was not at the meeting on Tuesday or even if you just have an hour to help, I can use your assistance.  This week, we will be removing trees and finishing the staining of the fences.  You will want to wear old clothes.  Adults -  If you have a chainsaw or tree trimmers, please consider bringing them.   

I know this is a large project, but the church and troop will directly benefit from our efforts.  Reminder --- all time volunteered will count as service hours.  I have already turned in service hours for the first two workdays to Kirk, so your time will be up to date. 

Talita's on Broadway has provided this week's food -- Sloppy Joes, baked beans, potato salad, plus some fruit/treats and my mom is also making macaroni and cheese too! 

Thanks for all of your help, I couldn't do this without you!

Andy Price

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

November Campout Permission Slip

Parents and Scouts:

Here is the PermissionSlip for our upcoming November campout.  It is our District Fall Camporee which will be in Circleville and will be Nov 1-3.  [We leave on Friday Night.]

The Patrols will be competing with others in our District on scout skills, and should be getting ready with these skills that we have given out to the patrol leaders. 

If you have any questions – just ask them.

See you tomorrow night.
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, October 21, 2013

Seth's Eagle Project

Hi fellow scouts. I am finally starting work on my eagle project, but I need some help. On November 9, I will be painting 23 picnic tables, doing some weeding, and picking up trash. If you could help me out on that date, that would be great. The project will be from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. If you have them, please bring gloves and paintbrushes, but if you don't please come anyway. There will be food and drinks. There will be a sign up sheet on Tuesday. Please e-mail me or call me if you have any questions.

See ya on Tuesday,
Seth Corlett

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Eagle project tomorrow

Scouts, Parents and Troop Leaders:

Tomorrow is the 2nd workday for my Eagle Scout Project.  Thanks to everyone who has signed up, if you did not get a chance to sign up but would like to come over (even if you only have an hour) we could use your help.  

PARENTS and TROOP LEADERS -- 2 trees were cut down last weekend.  We need any parents/leaders who may have chain saws to bring them to help cut up the trees.  Tree Trimmers will also be needed for branches. 

SCOUTS -- There are multiple jobs this week and a lot to do.  We have purchased the fencing so some of you may be staining the fence (everyone please wear old clothes you can get dirty).  There will also be clean up from the trees (trimming) moving to a compost pile and logs to be stacked for us to burn next year in the firepit.  There is also still clean up of old brush, grass trimmings, etc. that will need to be picked up.  If you have these items at home -- Please consider bringing them: Gloves (we will have some too)Chainsaws, Rakes,Tree Trimmers, Saw Horses (will need sawhorses to put the fence sheets on to paint them) 

Tomorrow's food includes:  Hot Dogs, Macaroni and Cheese, Homemade Chili, Fruit, Snacks, Iced Tea and Water. My next workday will be Sunday, October 27th from 1-5 PM.  I will have a sign up sheet at Tuesday's Scout meeting.  Talita's Resturant is donating the food on this day.  

Thanks everyone,
Andy Price

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creek sweep this weekend

Parents and scouts: 
I am sending out this note out about our upcoming Creek Sweep project This Saturday.  We had several sign up tonight – but we are still about 5 + short of our goal for the project.  I am looking for Scouts that need additional service hours and maybe the need to work on a conservation project for camping merit badge. 

We will meet at the church for breakfast [no cost] around 7:30 am and then go out  on the creek about 9:00 am – finishing up around 12:00 pm.  Wear grubby clothes and class B if possible.  If you have waders  bring them to be able to walk in the creek. 

Let me know if you can help.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Meeting Tonight about the upcoming backpacking trip

Parents and Scouts:

We will have an impromptu meeting [class  B uniform is ok] tonight for any Scouts that would like to talk about what they need for the  up coming backpack trip.  I will have discussion on what to bring and how to pack.

We do have a few back packs [some have been already asked for] that we can loan out for the trip.  If you wish to come to meet – plan to be at the church this coming Monday at 7 PM. 

I don’t know exactly where we will meet at the church – but we’ll figure that out.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October Newsletter

Our Theme this Month is: Health & Hygiene
1. PLC: [Patrol Leader’s Council]Next Meeting will be October 6th at 5:00 PM
Senior Patrol Leader, Asst. Sr. Patrol Leader, All Patrol Leader’s. & Asst. Patrol Leader’s and other Troop leadership positions Please plan to attend.

2. Troop Committee / Parent
Meeting: Next Meeting is MONDAY October 6th at 6 PM at the Church.
All parents are invited to attend this meeting and learn what is up coming in the Troop activities.

3.Camp-out this Month:
This month’s campout: Backpack Trip to Zaleski Forrest
Date: Oct. 11-13 [2 Nights]
Location: Lake Hope State Park Ohio
Leave Friday @ 7:00 PM
Return Sunday @ 11:30AM
Cost: - Patrols to buy their food
Permission slip must be filled out and returned by: 10/8/2013

4. Monthly Dues: “A Scout is Thrifty…”
Please keep up to date on your monthly dues. We collect $10.00 each month for troop operation. This can be paid or taken from your son’s Scout Account. Scout Accounts are funded by participation in fundraising activities, and also by Kroger Plus purchases.
Use Kroger Plus Card for your family food purchases. A percent of your spending at Kroger on the Kroger Plus card will go into the Boy’s Scout Account. The Scout Account can be used to pay for Summer Camp fees, Monthly camp-out fees, Troop Dues, Uniform expenses, and Troop related expenses that are approved by the Scoutmaster.
Please check with Jim Baughman on status of your son's Scout Account.

5. Helping out the Cub Scout Pack - WE NEED DEN CHIEFS!
We have some opportunities to help the Cub Scout Pack 136. We are STILL looking for Scouts that are First Class rank and above and are willing to serve as a Den Chief for one of Dens in Pack 136. Let Kirk Bohanan know if you are interested.

6. BSA Health Forms
HEALTH FORMS from Summer camp are now on file for the next 12 months. If you did not go to summer camp you should have at least Part A and Part C of the New Health Form submitted to the troop. [Part B is the visit to the Doctor’s office]. This is important information that we take on our outdoor outings in case of an emergency.

Please help us by getting this information into the Troop. As any medications change please update Part A of your son’s form.

Hopefully you are well on your way to reaching your sales goal in the Popcorn Fundraiser. Make sure to do your best and remember that all profits from your sales goes into your scout account. If you need assistance or product to sell please get with Mr. Dool, our Popcorn Kernal.

8. Creek Sweep - October 19thWe will once again host the 4th annual Creek Sweep here in Grove City. The Boy Scout Troops in Grove City will be Cleaning one of the main creeks in Grove city. This year is will be Mulberry Run. We will meet at 7:30 am for breakfast and the out to the creek by 9 AM. We will be cleaning the creek and done by about 1:00 pm. Scouts and parents are encouraged to attend this great service project. plan to dress to stay warm and get wet. If you have waders I would encourage you to wear them, as some will be needed to be in the creek.

9. Ohio Valley District Camporee - 11/1-3/2013
The Campout next month is the District Camporee which will be held at the Moose Lodge in Circleville Ohio. I strongly am encouraging that all patrols rally their members to attend this event. It should be a great outing.

10.Troop Elections – Next Month
For those Scout wanting to work on their positions of responsibility within the troop, we will be holding our troop elections on November 5th for Senior Patrol Leader & Patrol Leaders. Other positions will be available as well for those needing leadership roles within the troop for advancement. If you are interested see Kirk Bohanan for information and details.

November's Theme is Government & Economics

Friday, September 27, 2013

Help needed for Eagle project

Scouts, Troop Leaders and Troop Parents,

I am currently working on my Eagle Project at the First Presbyterian Church.  My project involves renovating the area behind the troop sheds.  This is going to involve several work days and a lot work.  First, we will be moving the troop sheds onto the pavement and facing them across the parking lot.  Second, we will be cleaning and clearing miscellaneous items (cement, cement block, old wood, old pallets, grass piles and logs) from the area.  Next, a few trees will need to be removed.  Followed by installing a privacy fence being built along the south side and 2 shrub fences being placed along the east and west side of the area.  The last step will involve inserting a firepit and concrete benches in the center.  This project will allow the church to make this space into a useable area for not only church activities but also for scouting activities.  I will be needing to schedule many workdays to make this project happen.  The first two are listed below. Reminder -- You will get service hours for any time donated.  If you would like to sign up let me know, I will also have a sign up sheet at next Tuesday's Troop meeting.  I appreciate your consideration and support. 
  • Saturday, October 5th -- Noon to 6:00 PM -- We will be moving sheds on this day.  This is going to require roughly 12 scouts and 6-8 adults.  (FYI --- Buckeye game is not on until 8:00 PM).  We will be emptying the sheds in order to move them, we will move them and then be refilling the sheds.  If you sign up for this day, please wear long pants/shirts, hats and closed toed shoes.  Please also bring some gloves.  Drinks, food and snacks will be provided.  We may also begin work on clearing out some of the debris on this day.
  • Sunday, October 6th -- 1:00 - 5:00 PM -- We will be cleaning out debris (cement blocks, old logs, grass piles, cement, etc.)  This workday is going to require roughly 8 scouts and 4 adults.  If you sign up for this day, please wear long pants/shirts, hats and closed toed shoes.  Please also bring some gloves.  Drinks, food and snacks will be provided.


Andy Price

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Honor Flight update

Parents and Scouts [Webelos too]

An update to this weekend’s trip to Honor Flight trip....

I spoke to the folks at Honor Flight and they said that they would like us to be at the baggage claim area AT 8:45.  So with that information, Please plan to meet at the church at 8:05 and we will leave by 8:15 PM.

Please be in class A uniform.  If you would like to write some notes to the veterans thanking them for their service that would be great.

Hope to see LOTS of us be able to show up and support our Vets on their return from DC.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall Court of Honor and Honor Flight

Parents and Scouts:

Don’t forget that tomorrow night at our meeting we will be holding our Fall Court of Honor.  Please plan to stay and see our scouts get recognized for advancement earned this past summer.  We are very proud of their accomplishments!

We will have refreshments afterwards [left over from the wonderful treats at the Hog Roast that you all brought]

And – we also have an activity this coming weekend – the Honor Flight welcome home trip to Port Columbus.  We will meet at the church at 8:30 PM and drive to the airport. I will have details on this tomorrow night.

See you there!
Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hog Roast and Tag Sale help needed

Parents and Scouts:

Our Hog Roast  & Tag Sale is only 2 days from go time! 

The Hog is ordered, the supplies are mostly picked up,  Just a few last minute details...

1. We have a need for desserts!  If you can bake [or buy] 1-2 dozen cookies or brownies [a cake or pie?] and have them for us to use for deserts to serve for the meals during our Hog Roast that would be great!  Please have these to the kitchen either Friday night or by 9:00 am on Saturday morning.  We will put them onto small plates to serve.  If you bring them on a dish that you want back please have your name on the dish so we can get it back to you.

2. Here is the sign-up sheet as it stands today.  We still have some open spots for both the Tag Sale and the Hog Roast.  Scouts and Parents both can still sign up – especially at our closing / clean-up times.  Please see where you can plug in and we can then make this successful for everyone.

3. For those helping carry the large American Flag in the Parade – Please be in CLASS A uniform!  We will meet up at the corner of Southwest Blvd and Broadway [in the CVS parking lot] by 8:30 am Saturday morning.  If you are working at the church earlier and need a ride to the parade start I can help you with that.

Any questions – let me know.  Thanks for your help!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hog Roast, Parade, and the Tag Sale

Parents and Scouts:

Attached please find the sign-up sheet for this weekend’s events!  WE need your HELP!!! Find a spot and let me know when you can help.  I will have this at the Scout Meeting tomorrow night if you want to fill in then.

We will have spots also for scouts [in Class A uniform] help carry the huge American Flag in the parade this weekend.  I need 8-10 to help assist.  please let me know if you are interested.

ALSO - we will need Desserts for the HOG ROAST!  Please plan to bring either Friday or Saturday morning [early!] 1-2 dozen cookies or Brownies for us to use for the Hog Roast.  The more we have the longer they last!  Any left overs will be used at the Court of Honor on the 24th.

Don’t forget to gather your “things” for the Tag Sale.  You can bring them to the Church anytime Friday after 9 am.  Remember that this will help fund your sons scout account. [75% of all earnings]

I have also included assign that you can send out to your friends on social media.  Please let all know about our event!

Hope to see you all there.  Thanks for your support! 

Tomorrow night remember that we meet at fryer Park for a Dutch Oven Cook-off of Patrols.  BE READY!!!


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Newsletter, Year Plan, and Oct permission slip

Parents and Scouts:

Please find the September newsletter and 2013-2014 Year plan

Also the permission slip for October campout – which will be a Backpack Trip at Zaleski State Forest.  Lots of fun [and a little rugged] 

I will talk on these and more tonight – so don’t miss it! [especially if you are planning to go on the South Bass Island Trip this weekend.  We will have things to do tonight for this trip.]

ALSO – remember tonight it’s back to CLASS A uniforms!

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Clayton's Eagle Project Plan

Here is the new revised payment and meeting schedule for the Dominican Republic trip.  I am still waiting to hear from the Rotary club to see if they are going to help with this trip.  If the Rotary Club helps, there may be some scholarship money to help interested boys go.

September 3- Buy plane tickets  ($800 towards the plane ticket)

October 1- Meeting about plans and supplies
                        Payment of $300

November 5- Make sure passports are purchased
                        Payment of $300

December 3- Final arrangements.  Meeting after Boy Scout meeting

December 17- Final Payments (if needed)  Last meeting before we leave.

Total price is $1400 per person.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Canoe Race @ Fryer Park

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that the Troop meeting this Tuesday will be at Fryer Park on Orders Road.  We will have a Cardboard Canoe Race. 

All Patrols should be well on the way to completing their Canoe.  The Leader’s entry is complete and ready to race – so get ready to have a great evening.

Parents are welcome to stay and watch our race.  As in the past, it should be a hoot!

See you there!

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Monday, August 19, 2013

Meeting at Yacht Club and Balloons and Tunes Clean up

Parents and scouts:

Just a reminder that the Boy Scout troop meeting will be held at the Leatherlips Yacht Club up in the Dublin area.  [see map here]. 

We will leave the church parking lot at 6:30 PM  SHARP.  Parents – If you can drive we can use you. 

Also – Patrol Leaders – don’t forget to work on your cardboard canoe race entries. That will be 8/27 at Fryer Park.

Here is the current sign-up sheet for the Trash Clean-up this coming weekend at Balloons and Tunes at Beulah Park.  I will have parking info and passes for those going to help later this week.

Let me know if you wish to be put on the list – we need do need more helpers

Friday 8/23/13, 6:00 - 6:45
Adults: Kevin Shoultz, Shawn Myers, Kirk Bohanan
Scouts: Michael Shoultz, Ethan Myers, Evan Myers, Hunter Rothwell

Friday 8/23/13, 9:00 - 10:15
Adults: Kevin Shoultz, Todd Miller, Shawn Meyers, Kirk Bohanan
Scouts: Michael Shoultz, Andy Miller, Ethan Myers, Evan Myers, Hunter Rothwell

Saturday 8/24/13, 6:00 - 6:30
Adults: Shawn Myers, Kirk Bohanan
Scouts: Ethan Myers, Evan Myers, Hunter Rothwell

Saturday 8/24/13, 9:00 - 11:15
Adults: Shawn Myers, Maria Myers, Kirk Bohanan
Scouts: Ethan Myers, Evan Myers

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reminder 8-6-13 meeting at Darby Creek!

Parents and Scouts:

Just a reminder that our scout meeting this coming Tuesday will be at Darby Creek Metro Park.  We will be Creeking!  Please plan to be able to get in the water and get wet. 
The Patrols will be having a Crawfish race at the end of the evening – should be a hoot...

Attached  is an (updated) map of where we will be – 7:00 PM start time

Also – for those scouts that have yet to get there Raingutter Regatta kits, please be there this week to pick it up – I will have them with me.  We will have our races on August 13th – the following week.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pre-camp swim test and 2nd class requirement 8c

Scouts and Parents,

As Kirk mentioned on Tuesday, everyone (including adults) who is going on the August Camping trip must pass the BSA swimmers. If you have already passed the BSA swimmer test in the last year (probably taken this past spring or summer) you do not need to retest. If not you must pass the swimmers test in order to go. Please note that you must have passed this specific test in order to go on this trip.

We have a lane at 6:30PM next Wednesday, July 31st at the Urbancrest YMCA. I will also work with a scout on his 2nd class requirement 8c if other scouts are interested in joining. Please let me know if you plan to come so I can plan accordingly. If you do not tell me ahead of time I may not be able to schedule you in

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trash cleanup at Softball Tournament

Parents and Scouts,

Just a reminder to those who have signed up for the trash clean-up at the Grove City Softball Homecoming Tournament – this weekend. We will meet back at the ball fields at Fryer park – off of Orders Road [at the YMCA].

Please have your Class B red shirt on if possible. Bring Gloves and maybe a water bottle if you think you need it.

Here is the list of those who signed up. If you have not signed up and wish to help, we could still use help both evening on Saturday and Sunday.

Let me know if you are interested.

Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Saturday, 7/27/13. 8:30AM-9AM
Adults: Kirk B, Jean P
Scouts: Hunter S, Caleb P, Andrew P, Andy P, Clayton L, Ben Caskey, Robby S, Hunter R

Saturday, 7/27/13. 7:30PM – 9:00 PM
Adults: Kirk B, Paul P, Todd M
Scouts: Caleb P, Andrew P, Andy P, Robby S, Andy C, Hunter R, Evan M, Ben C

Sunday 7/28/13. 7:30PM-9:00PM
Adults: Kirk B, Paul P, Mark S
Scouts Hunter S, Brandon N, Caleb P, Andrew P, Andy P, Hunter R, Parker S, Jared S, Ben C




Friday, July 19, 2013

July Newsletter

Parents and Scouts:

Here is the late and somewhat shortened newsletter for the month of July.  Sorry for it being so late; it has been a little busy around the Bohanan household this summer....

Here is an update on activities going on the rest of this month – and beyond.

1. Patrol Leader Council [PLC] don’t forget that this Saturday from 2-6 PM we will meet at the church for our annual planning meeting. THIS IS IMPORTANT.  If you are a member of the PLC please attend.  If you cannot, let me know.  Any other scouts or parents wishing to be apart of this activity let me know.  Please bring your ideas and details on for monthly program themes and campout locations. I will have Pizza for after our meeting once we are completed at 6.  Class B Uniform event.

2. Next Weekend, July 27-28, we will have a fund raiser event.  The Troop will be picking up trash at Fryer Park during the Grove City Homecoming Softball Tournament.  The planned times will be on Saturday morning at 8:30 –9:30 AM to set up trash bins, Saturday and Sunday evening from 7:30 – 9:00 PM -ish to pick up trash. A sign up sheet will be at the scout meeting next Tuesday.  If you want to help but can’t make the meeting this coming Tuesday please let me know when you want to work and I will put you on the schedule.  The troop will take all profit earned and divide it up to those scouts that work. More info on this at the scout meeting next Tuesday. Class B Uniform event.

3. The August Canoe Trip is in the planning stages.  We will be going August 17-18 to Marrow Ohio and float on the Little Miami River.  It will be a 10 mile float and should be a blast! You must have passed the BSA swim test to go on this trip. [Parents too!]  Cost for this trip will be $25.00.  Click here for the permission slip. Class B uniform event

4. REALLY BIG NEWS – We have heard back from the South Bass Island Camporee Registration people and we have been accepted for this camporee!!!  We have 30 spots and we will fill them first come – first serve. The cost is $79.00 to cover the weekend events.  This outing will start on Friday 9/6 at 1:00 pm.  We will have the scouts get out of school early that day so we can make it up to get the ferry in time on Friday evening.  In the past this has been a great outing [sometimes wet]. Click here for the permission slip.  Please note there are 2 pages on this permission slip which BOTH MUST be completed; one is for us one is for the Camporee Registration. Class A Uniform Event.

5. Tag Sale and Hog Roast will be coming soon!  Start saving your “treasures to sell”!  September 21st is the date to save! More on this later.

That is all for now.  If you have any questions please drop me a note and I will get back to you. 


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Information about Clayton's Eagle project

Hello, my name is Clayton Lepley. I am going to put in a water purification system in a poor community in the Dominican Republic.  I am putting this system in because this community has limited access to clean drinking water.   The trip is scheduled for December 28, 2013- January 4, 2014.  I would like three father son teams to come down with me.  The fund raising that our troop offers can be used towards this trip.    There will be a short informational meeting on Tuesday July 16 after the regular scout meeting. This will be a time to learn more about the trip including cost.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer Camp Important News!

Parents and Scouts:

This post is intended for those going to summer camp with us on June 30th through July 6th.  Please read if  your son is going to camp. Otherwise – please note we will not have a scout meeting the week we are at camp.

This Tuesday night we will meet at the Urbancrest YMCA to do swim test.  After the 10 day out meeting this past Thursday I found that we can do the swim test and have them count.  Please plan to be there if possible.  The cost is $3.00 if you are not a y-member.  We will also trying to have some discussion on CPR for those needing it for merit badge at summer camp.

I am getting out the last minute information that was shared with me at the 10 day out meeting last week at Camp Manatoc.
Here is the latest info. We will be leaving from the church at 9:30 am  so we are up there at the start of check in, which is at 12:00 PM at camp. Please be at the church at 9:00 am to get loaded up. Scouts are to travel in full class A uniform. As stated at the Court of Honor, gym shorts are not acceptable to be worn with the class A shirt. Same as with Camo style shorts. Please wear green or khaki cargo type shorts, jean shorts, or scout shorts. Please plan to have your swim suit on under your uniform if you do not do your swim test this Tuesday, so once at camp we can quickly get ready for the pool and swim checks. I would plan to bring a sack lunch for the trip up. we will eat once in camp, but it will be quick and busy. They wont eat until dinner time at camp otherwise.

1. See the packing list attached from the camp information book. Please use this as a guide for what to bring – and not to bring to camp.

2. Please – Scout should not bring cell phones. If we need to get in touch with you I will have a phone that can be used if necessary.

3. Packing should be in a container or tote of sorts that will keep your belongings dry and safe from animals and others. I don’t think theft will be an issue, but if you wish to have a lock on your gear please also give me a key or combination for it as well.

4. Any medication that you are taking to camp – prescribed by a doctor, MUST be in the original bottle with name, drug name, dose and pharmacy/ doctor contact info. This information should also be on the A part of the physical you are taking to camp. There is a special yellow card that will need to be filled out and take to camp for dispensing record of your medication. Any inhalers or Epee pens must not be expired.[they will check]

5. If you are planning to attend on Wednesday night parents night I will need to have your count of how many are coming and payment to take to camp and turn in on Sunday. We will get your tickets and you can then pick them up at camp from me. Please do not get to camp until 4:30 pm if you come. Please note that camp will not open for visitors until then. Parking will be at the administration building in the grass field. [see map] Camp address is 1075 Truxell Road, Peninsula, Ohio 44264. I have a camp map attached to show you where we are in the camp and well as parking location.remember – NO PETS in camp.

6. If you plan to send mail, here is the address to camp. We are in Davey Crockett campsite.

Scout’s Name – Troop Number
Campsite Name
Camp Manatoc
1075 Truxell Road
Peninsula OH 44264

7. Camp phone Number is 330-657-2592, I found my cell coverage is sketchy but you can e-mail or text to me and I will answer.[614-578-0657]

8. Those in swimming merit badge,  please plan to bring a long sleeved shirt, jeans, and shoes that can get wet. You will have to jump in the pool and make a floatation device out of your clothes for one of your requirements.

9. Money at camp. There will be a trading post where things for your merit badges can be purchased. Other camp merchandise will also be readily available, including snacks and stuff. Talk with your son and make sure they know to spend their money wisely.

10. Physical forms are due in this week. You will need to get one each year in the scouts. This includes a trip to the doctor's office to have them check your son out and make sure he is ready for camp. If any adults are going to camp they also will need a physical.

11. Any adult going to camp will also need to take Youth Protection Training. It is available on line at www.myscouting .org. Follow the links to online training. once complete, have a copy of the certificate printed off and bring in for our records.

12. I have also attached the merit badge selection of the troop. Please review and make sure this is ok for your son. I will be printing up the Merit badge Blue cards and if any changes are required let me know. Any fees needed for your merit badges can be paid for at the trading post. If you have already paid them I will make sure that they get turned in at camp.

13. Make sure to bring your pre-reqs for any merit badges you are working on for camp.  Get as much done prior to camp so you can enjoy your week.

That is all for now, I am sure that other items will come up and please if possible be at the scout meeting on Tuesday for us to discuss those items you have any questions on as well.


Kirk Bohanan
Scoutmaster Troop 136
614-871-4635 - Home