Tuesday, December 15, 2020
December Email #3
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Meeting, Backpacking, Fleece Sweatshirts, name tags, and future events
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Tonight's meeting, backpacking in Nov, and more
Hi Troop 136!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Popcorn, Tonight's meeting, backpacking, and more
We are down to the last few days of the "Show and Sell" popcorn sale. I am trying to make arrangements to get the last of what I need this week - so if you have orders and have not yet told me what you need, please send that to me ASAP.
I have listed what I have currently in stock below. Any of this that isn't claimed in the next couple of days will be returned to council Friday or Saturday. Anything you need that I do not have, I'll try to get Friday or Saturday and you can pick it up next week.
All Show and Sell money is due to me by 10/31/2020. I'll be contacting each parent of a participating scout with any amounts still due soon.
Any additional items you need after the final exchange this week, you can still order. The final, final date to order any items is 10/31/2020 and those items will come in on 11/20/2020. These items can then be picked up & delivered and money is due back to me by 11/30/2020.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Items I have currently:
7 Yellow Popping Corn
5 Classic Caramel
12 Cheddar Cheese
4 Jalapeno Cheese
3 Chocolate Pretzels **Note, these cannot be returned - so if you can help me sell these last 3, that would be great!!**
Shanna and Julie
Be sure to join before 7 pm next week to avoid waiting for us to finish the flag ceremony to allow you to join the group. I will open the Google Meet at about 6:50. Be sure to join the meeting wearing a Class A uniform. After we complete the skills instruction, we will have nominations for SPL. We will also accept nomination on 11/3 followed by a vote on 11/3 for SPL. Following the SPL election, we will have nominations for Patrol Leaders on 11/3 and on 11/10 with a vote on 11/10 for Patrol Leaders. The time between 11/3 and 11/10 will allow the new SPL time to select their PLC.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Campout, Popcorn, 9/29 trooop meeting, Three Eagles Shootout, Creek Sweep, and Future Events
Hi Troop 136!
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Emails 2 & 3
Hi Troop 136!
9/25-9/27 Campout to be determined at the 9/15 Troop Meeting
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Knights of Mandalore Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM (Board of Review night)
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Cardboard Race!
Hi Troop 136!
Be at the YMCA Discovery Park pond at 6:30. The boat race
will start at 6:45. You will need to cross the pond and back again to
win! This is for bragging rights!!
Patrol names, patch design, cheer and yell:
I think we have a few patrols that have
new names. Be sure that I know your new name or if you decided to
keep your name, please let me know that as well.
Cheer on your patrol as they paddle across the pond. Once you are done, bring your boat back to the troop trailer so that it can be disposed of back at the church in the dumpster.
Troop T-shirts:
I will be there at 6 pm with the trailer and troop t-shirts if you want to purchase t-shirts tonight. I will be at the troop trailer before and after the boat race so that you can pick up your shirts. They are $7 each. There are five different colors to choose from and you will be able to see the sizes before you purchase them.
Shanna Wright and Julie Hurt will have some samplers for the popcorn setup by the Troop trailer. Pick up your supplies for selling popcorn and let them know how much you have sold so far!
See you tonight!
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
Monday, August 31, 2020
Patrol meetings, Cardboard boat race, Future activities
Hi Troop 136!
Patrol Meetings:
I wanted to be sure that you knew about the plan for this
week. We will not have a troop meeting on Tuesday, September 1st. We have
several patrols who will be meeting during this week. Please look
at the Band app. The Patrol Leaders have tried to find a time that was
good for their patrol members. I will also encourage the
Patrol Leaders to contact each of the patrol members to be sure they are
aware of their meeting dates to work on the cardboard boats in case
the Scouts in their patrols do not have access to the Band app.
1. Be sure that when you meet in your patrols that you
are wearing a mask and have hand sanitizer available when you arrive and
when you leave when you are working as a team to make your boat.
2. When you meet, be sure to review and become
familiar with your patrol name, emblem, flag, and yell. These items are what
you will need to display your patrol spirit at the Cardboard boat race.
Please share this with me by email. I would like to be able to share
with the troop your selection of patrol names and patches in an email next
3. Share with me your patrol patch design, your name,
emblem, flag and yell by Friday, September 4th. I want to be able to
order your patch for the September Court of Honor. I would need the
designs if you want to have a patch created as well by Friday, September 4th in
order to place the order for you to receive by the September Court of
4. While you are meeting, plan your next Patrol
activity to start working toward the National Honor Patrol Award and share what
you plan to do with me so I can add it to the future events in my weekly emails.
Here is the National Honor Patrol requirements:
Cardboard boat race:
You may want to review the rules for the cardboard boat
race. Be sure to follow the guidelines. The boat can only be made
out of three items: cardboard, duct tape and pvc pipes. We will plan to
meet at the YMCA pond at 6:30 pm for the boat race. We will have the
inspections and the boat race will begin at 6:45 pm. The patrol
member that will be in the boat to cross the lake and back again will be the
same person and will not be required to wear a mask when they are in the
water. They will remove their mask when they enter the boat and will put
it back on as they leave the boat. We will also have a popcorn tasting
and handout of supplies at each of the patrol locations. A map will be
shared with you this week with the location of the patrols. I am hoping
to be able to use the names of the patrols when I share the map details.
I should be able to share this next weekend once the patrols submit their patrol
names with me this week.
Troop 136 Cardboard Boat
Race Rules and Informa...
Future Activities:
8/29 PLC Meeting 4:30 pm at the church firepit area, bring
your devices and look for an email from the SPL with the shared documents
8/29 Troop Committee Meeting at 6 pm (Parents and leaders
are encouraged to participate)
9/1 Patrol Meetings to put together your cardboard boat
(Patrol Leaders will set up a location for the patrol to meet this week.
Please let me know so that we can have adult leaders at the location
supervising the construction of the cardboard boat.)
9/6 Personal Management Merit Badge 3 pm at the church firepit area, Thanks for Jeff Colborn being the merit badge counselor
9/8 Meet at the YMCA pond for the boat race at 6:30, Inspections of the boats
and race beginning at 6:45 PM
9/8 Popcorn kick off tasting and pick up of sales material for
the popcorn sales
9/15 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/22 Troop Court of Honor
9/25-9/27 Campout at the Great Seal State Park, Central Ohio Orienteers will
have an orienteering course setup and other activities will be planned by the
PLC on 8/30.
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blackhawks Patrol Meeting at 7:30
10/6 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blue Blazes
Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
10/9-11 Three Eagles Shooting Event and Campout at Mount
10/13 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol
Meeting at 7:30 PM
Troop 136 - Yearly Plan
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Virtual meeting tonight, cardboard race, and future activities
Virtual Troop Meeting link for August 25th is in the email I sent to you
8/25 Only a virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM
9/8 Meet at the YMCA pond for the boat race at 6:30 PM
9/15 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/22 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blackhawks Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/25-9/27 Campout at the Great Seal State Park, Central Ohio Orienteers will have an orienteering course setup and other activities will be planned by the PLC on 8/30.
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blue Blazes Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
Monday, August 17, 2020
Campout, temps, meeting plan, advancement, cardboard race, and future activities
HI Troop 136!
The campout was amazing this past weekend! Shane did a great job as the SPL this weekend. Shane had two Patrol Leaders for the weekend, Jaedon and David. This was our first campout since March and everyone had a great time. Some of the Scouts got a little wet! We had a downpour of rain when we showed up on Friday night, but a few minutes later it slowed to a few raindrops so that we could get our tents set up. Ranger Roy at Chief Logan allowed us to use the handicraft shelter instead of setting up our popups. Since we decided to use the shelter, there were three picnic tables that we could use to separate the Scouts for social distancing and some smaller round tables for the adults. Our service project lasted between 9 am and 4:30 pm on Saturday with an hour for lunch by the beaver pond in the Nature Shelter. The trail was over five miles in length.
I took some photos by the pond of the Scouts and adults and shared those in the Band app. John King - I did not think about taking the photos until after you left, sorry.. Every Scout will receive 6.5 hours of service hours. On Saturday, most of the rain was gone by about noon and the sun came out. It was amazing weather in the afternoon.
Mr. Baughman brought his grandson who is a Webelos Scout with Pack 136 and they camped on Saturday night. I will try to get some more of the Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts to camp with us in September to help with their advancement requirements.
The Scouts were able to wake up at 7:30 AM and had the trailer loaded and ready to go by 9:20 AM. They were able to pack their gear, eat breakfast and even had some time to complete a start, stop and continue activity about the campout. Most of the adults arrived at 10 AM and the trip back home was a good one with nice sunny weather. Be sure to check for ticks if you have not done so yet. There was a report of one scout getting a tick. We asked for the Scouts to check on Saturday night for ticks before they went to bed and again on Sunday when they arrived at home when they got a shower.
For the Scouts and adults who attended the campout, please be sure to check your temperatures each day and enter into the spreadsheet through Saturday. This is the responsibility of the adults and Scouts to complete using the link. Here is a link to the form:
Virtual Meeting and Patrol Meeting:
On Tuesday night 8/18, we will again have our virtual Scout meeting starting at 7 PM followed by our patrol meeting with the Blue Blazes at 7:30 PM. The patrol will be selecting their patch design tonight at the meeting. The Blue Blazes patrol will meet at the church fire pit area at 6:50 PM. Bring a device to use for the meeting. A phone would work. We will be at the firepit area for the virtual meeting and the patrol meeting after the troop meeting.
I am working on the merit badges for summer camp this week
and preparing the list of completed merit badges for our Court of Honor in
September. I am hopeful that we will be able to have an outdoor Court of
Honor, but we will play it by ear as we get closer to that date. We plan
to meet for the Court of Honor on September 22nd.
Troop 136_Meeting_Plan
We have had a lot of Scouts earn rank requirements and I have been very flexible and readily available for Scoutmaster Conferences when requested. However, going forward we will have the Scoutmaster Conferences during the first and third weeks of the month followed by the Board of Review during the second and fourth weeks of the month. The times for these meetings would be determined by the Scoutmaster and the Advancement Chair.
Cardboard Boat Race Rules:
On September 8th, the Scouts will race a cardboard boat they
created across the pond and back again. Only one Scout can be in the boat
during the race. We will follow the social distancing guidelines set
forth by the governor. I will have signs posted and a map for you to use
to find your patrol. You will be wearing a mask, except for the person in
the boat. They will not need to be wearing on during the race. A
fellow Scout will collect the mask and give the mask back to the Scout when
they are finished with the boat race.
Here are the guidelines for the cardboard boat races:
Troop 136 Cardboard Boat
Race Rules and Informa...
Future Activities:
8/18 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PMand Blue Blazes Patrol
Meeting at 7:30 PM
8/25 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol
Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/1 Patrol Meetings to put together your cardboard boat
(Patrol Leaders will set up a location for the patrol to meet. Please let
me know so that we can have adult leaders at the location supervising the
construction of the cardboard boat.)
9/8 Meet at the YMCA pond for the boat race at 6:30 PM
9/15 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blackhawks Patrol
Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/22 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Blue Blazes Patrol
Meeting at 7:30 PM
9/25-9/27 Campout at the Great Seal State Park, Central Ohio
Orienteers will have an orienteering course setup and other activities will be
planned by the PLC on 8/30.
9/29 Virtual Troop Meeting at 7 PM and Dragons Patrol Meeting at 7:30 PM
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
Sunday, August 9, 2020
New Scouts Physical Fitness, Tuesday Troop Meeting, & Campout
Hi Troop 136!
Friday, August 7, 2020
Carter's Eagle Scout Project moved to today, no work on project tomorrow
We will not be working on the project on
Saturday. Today will be the last day that the majority of the work will
be completed. If you are available between 5 and 7 pm tonight, please use
the sign up sheet in the email I sent so that Carter will know who is coming.
Phillip Freeman
Scoutmaster, Troop 136 in Grove City, OH
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Eagle project, PLC, and committee meetings
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Mine craft continues tonight and virtual camping
Please obey the Scout Law and Oath or you will be removed from this server. This is for the Scouts of Troop 275 and 136. This is not for all of your friends to join. This was specifically developed for you in mind. Please be nice and enjoy the time with fellow Scouts!
If you want to earn two nights of camping this weekend, you will need to follow the same rules as before. You will post a pic on Friday night with your tent and again Saturday morning. To get credit for a second night of camping, do the same on Saturday night and another on Sunday morning. Post these pics to the Band app. If you need an invitation to the Band app, please let me know. If you only want to earn one night of camping, you may do that as well.
Tuesday night, 7/28 Scout Meeting:
On Tuesday night, we will again have a shorter Troop meeting between 7:00 and 7:30 followed by a virtual patrol meeting with the Blue Blazes. Our guest speaker is a teacher with South-Western City Schools. She is also our Committee Chair. We are very excited to hear about STEM projects using Math from Christa Ewing on Tuesday night.